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Minutes 06/18/2009
Municipal Renovations Committee


Thursday, June 18, 2009

6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room

MRC Members in Attendance:  Alan Zordan, Isadore Temkin, Mike Clark, Bill Hill and Ed Cook. Others presents: Jerry Rollett, City of Torrington Public Works Director, Brian Solywoda, Friar Associates and Brian Pracuta, O&G.

The meeting was opened at 6:30 PM on a motion from Mr. Zordan, seconded by Dr. Temkin.

Approval of Minutes of MRC Meeting of May 21, 2009 amended to correct the spelling of Dr. Temkin’s last name was approved on a motion by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Cook.

Mr. Pracuta of O&G presented an overview of the project status: 95% of  demolition pertaining to electrical work has been completed; Abatement work has been completed to the point of removing most abatement equipment from the project site although some will be left there in the event of asbestos discovery; structural work has begun in the basement area for the Clerk and Probate vaults; steel contractors will begin fabrication of steel support structure for the Veteran’s Memorial area during the week of 6/22/09. Mr. Pracuta stated that Friar Associates was nearly current with all RFI responses, and that onsite visits by Friar personnel were helpful in resolving issues more quickly. Mr. Pracuta stated that the camper unit parked at the Winthrop Street site would soon be holding the construction schedule for the Traffic Barn if it is not removed. Mr. Clark stated he would contact the Police Chief and ask his assistance in having the trailer relocated.

Mr. Solywoda of Friar Associates stated that the boundary line between City Hall and the church would be marked with surveyor pins during the week of 6/22/09; he stated that the engineering study for City Hall changes was completed and submitted to O&G; Mr. Solywoda stated that Traffic Building drawings are completed and have been submitted to O&G. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Solywoda for his professional opinion on the status of the project, he responded that the project was on time and advancing with fewer problems than might have been anticipated in a building of this vintage.

Mr. Zordan stated that his analysis of the FF&E requirements for the project was nearly complete and that he expected to have bids advertised by the end of July, 2009. He stated that not all departments needed to be re-furnished and that many old file cabinets would be used in file storage areas rather than in offices; He stated that the number of auditorium seating pieces had been reduced and there would be a considerable savings from the FF&E allowance in the project budget.

Mr. Cook presented a summary of the meeting between  the Probate Court Judge, himself, Mayor Bingham, Mike Clark and Stephen Nocera. In summary, there was not a clear indication that a vault would be able to be removed from the plan since State plans to consolidate courts might bring other jurisdictions into City Hall and their records might not be electronically stored. In addition, there would be no savings to the project at this point if the vault were to be eliminated once redesign and construction change orders were costed into the analysis. The Probate vault will be built as designed.

Other Business: Mr. Clark invited all MRC members to attend a tour of the City Hall project at 3:30 PM on Thursday, 6/25/09.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Hill and approved by the MRC at 8:15 PM.